Fun Activities to Do on Your Own When You’re Getting Bored


Combat boredom with these creative ideas.

Ever have those days when you’re alone and can’t find something to keep yourself occupied? It can be hard to think of things to do by yourself when you’re bored, but you’d be surprised that your options are practically limitless. This list of things to do by yourself when you’re bored was created to help anyone trying to fight boredom. You may even find a new hobby among the activities on this list!

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These 50 things to do by yourself only touch the surface of the wide variety of activities you can do when you get bored. What’s great about these activities is you can do them by yourself, or even with friends if you want to. But many of them are intended just for you as a way to discover something new and shove away those boring feelings. Check out the full list of activities below!

Things To Do by Yourself

1. Learn a new skill. Learning something new might seem daunting at first, but you never know where it might lead. A new skill could help you to create a new hobby for yourself or even something that you can turn into a career!

2. Clean the house. Spring and summer are great times to do some cleaning around the house. Cleaning can be a great way to occupy your time, and you’ll be left feeling rewarded for tidying things up! Print one of these 10 cleaning checklists to help you stay on track.

3. Head out for a long walk. You know what can stop boredom in its tracks? Movement! Get outside and go on a walk around your neighborhood, town, or city, or even find a local park to walk in. You’ll be surprised how much a change of scenery can make you feel less bored.

4. Learn a new language. If you want to challenge yourself and keep yourself occupied for a while, why not try learning a new language? There are dozens of languages to choose from, like Spanish, French, Italian, German, and more! You can find some great resources to learn a new language here.

5. Create a bucket list. Fight boredom by making a bucket list of things you want to do or accomplish. Each time you set out to complete out, you’ll get to check it off your bucket list. And what’s great about a bucket list is you can always add new things to it!

6. Meditate. Meditation can be a great way to calm your mind. (If you don’t know how to meditate, check out this beginner’s guide.) While it’s not the most active activity to fight boredom, there are tons of benefits to meditation such as reducing anxiety, being more self-aware, and managing stress. Check out some of these free meditation apps to help you get started!

7. Write a song. If you’re musically talented or just want to try something new, writing a song can be a great way to express yourself and be creative. If you know how to play an instrument, you could even come up with chords to accompany your song!

8. Visit a local museum. Wherever you live there is likely a good selection of local museums that you can visit. Visiting a museum can be a great way to learn about history, science, art, and other interesting topics.

9. Explore your faith. Religion and faith provide many learning opportunities and lessons that you can apply to your life. Taking time to explore your faith can help you discover new perspectives and learn new things about yourself and your faith. Try starting with these 50 Bible verses about faith.

10. Try out a new restaurant. Feeling hungry? Why not look up a new restaurant in your area and try something new. Going out of your normal comfort zone for food choices can help you discover new and delicious cuisine that you’ve never had before!

11. Track your spending and make a new budget. We might not admit it, but we spend a bit too much on things we don’t need. Keeping track of your spending and creating a new budget can be a great way to be mindful of your financials and create a budget for what you need and want. Check out some helpful budgeting tips here!

12. Wake up early. Do you sleep in a lot? How about changing things up and waking up early? Waking up early means you have more time in the day to accomplish tasks and find new activities. You may even find that you do better as a morning person.



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