Garlic is a bulbous herb vegetable also there are numerous health benefits of garlic. Its scientific name is Allium sativum.

Types of Garlic

There are different types of garlic such as soft-neck , silvers-kin, artichoke and hard-neck garlic. Soft neck garlic is the most common type that you see in the market. China is the leading producer of garlic with 66% production world wide.

It is highly effective in preventing and treating a wide range of health conditions.

How to Consume Garlic

The best ways to get rid of all health, skin and hair problems is to eat it raw. Chew a whole raw garlic and wash it down with water. It can also be cooked by boiling, frying, roasting. It can also be used in cooked food recipes.

Health Benefits of Garlic

Helps Fight Cancer

It is known to have cancer-fighting properties, prevents DNA mutation and uncontrolled cell proliferation. Also it lowers the chances of tumor formation by 33% and reduce stomach cancer by 52%. Therefore It is a popular treatment to eliminate the possibility of cyst and tumor development in the breast which is responsible for causing breast cancer.

Helps Fight Diabetes

While diabetes is a metabolic disorder, mainly caused by unhealthy lifestyle. Consuming on a regular basis helps lower glucose levels in the blood and makes your body insulin sensitive.

Improves Digestion

Regular consumption enables the human body to maintain a steady level of digestion. As a result swelling, irritation, inflammation and other such disorders inhabiting the gastric tract can be successfully eliminated by its use.

Purifies Blood

Similarly consuming crushed cloves with warm water daily helps to keep the blood pure. It performs the functions of cleansing the body and flushing out all the unnecessary toxins out of the body.

Boosts the Immune System

Garlic contains antioxidant which prevents you from falling sick and disrupted cell functions. Regular garlic consumption ensure that the body becomes immune to foreign invasion.

Treats Asthma and Common Cold

Special mustard garlic oil is massaged near the nose and on throat and lungs area to help treat chest congestion. Which can delay hypersensitivity associated with asthma and also help treating common cold.

Uses to treat Cold Sores 

Cold sores are generally painful blisters that erupt in and around the lips, chin, and nose. It is also contagious. Furthermore it contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties which is used to treat blisters.

Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases

Helps prevents cardiovascular diseases by lowering bad cholesterol, lipid and therefore increase antioxidant activities. Hence garlic is also effective against atherosclerosis.

Side-Effects & Allergies                                                                                   

Even though it has many health benefits over consumption can also have adverse effect on health.        

Excessive consumption might cause irritation in the digestive system.                        Unpleasant breath or body odor.                                                                            Nausea, vomiting and gas.                                                                                  Diarrhea in some cases.                                                                                     Redness, swelling or blistering when applied to the skin.


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