Lime is a small, round green color hybrid citrus fruit. Lime water has several health benefits Due to its acidic sour juice and unique aroma, the lime fruit is widely used in various cuisines to accent flavor.
Types of Lime
While there are several species of citrus fruits which are known as limes. These include Key lime, kaffir lime, wild lime, desert lime and Persian lime. A single serving of lime 67 g provides 20 kcal of energy. Also Lime peel & pulp are rich in fiber, antioxidants.
Lime Water Health Benefits
Prevents Kidney Stone
Lime water help remove and prevent kidney stones by increasing urinary citrate and urine volume. Both vitamin C and citric acid helped break up or prevent the formation of some types of kidney stone.
Improves Skin Quality
Likewise healthy acid present in lime help remove dead cells when applied on the skin. Its antioxidant and astringent properties help reduce wrinkles, as well as cure dark spots, skin tan and open pores.
Weight Loss
A glass of warm water with lime juice reduces weight if consumed regularly twice a day, citric acid present in the lime is a fat burner.
Manages Blood Sugar level
The levels of soluble fiber found in lime regulates the absorption of sugar in the blood stream.
Reduces the Chances Cancer
Antioxidant in lime have potent cancer-fighting properties. It can stop the growth of various cancer cells preventing colon, breast, prostate, pancreatic, stomach, lungs, kidneys and blood cancer. Similarly, its also capable of eradicating cancer cells in some cases.
Boost Immunity
The vitamin C combines with antioxidants and boost your immune system if consumed regularly it can prevent diarrhea, malaria, pneumonia and respiratory infections.
Prevents Heart Diseases
The soluble fiber along with potassium, magnesium improves blood circulation. Hesperidin a flavonoid present in the lime helps lower LDL cholesterol.
Heals Peptic Ulcer
Lime contains special compounds called flavonoids hence it has antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, antibiotic and detoxifying properties.
Prevent Bacteria in Cooked Foods
Lime acidity, it can neutralize some dangerous bacteria, found in foods. As a result the juice added to foods strongly protects against cholera, especially when these dishes are stored without refrigeration. Furthermore lime juice has a powerful and healthy effect on our immune systems and help kill bacteria.
Reduce Inflammation Naturally
Vitamin C present in the soluble fibers has anti-inflammatory effects. Also the citric acid found in the lime acts as a solvent which dissolve uric acid.
Balances pH Level
Lime has high alkaline properties as a result which is required by our body for metabolism. Lime juice consumption balances the variations of acid content in body. Likewise foods you’re supposed to eat on the alkaline diet are good for you and will support a healthy weight.
Above all lime contains good source of minerals like calcium, iron, copper, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium along with vitamins like vitamins A, vitamin E and vitamin K. Most noteworthy it has the least amount of calories, carbohydrates and fats.